Creating Economic Opportunity
in the Oklahoma Panhandle

States Edge Energy Center is a proposed renewable energy generation facility expected to include 2+ gigawatts of wind power, located in Cimarron and Texas counties, Oklahoma. This project will create substantial economic opportunities for the resilient citizens in the Oklahoma Panhandle.
Since the Dust Bowl in the 1930s, decimated soil, clouds of dirt and struggling farming families were the images many associated with the Oklahoma Panhandle. Over the past 80 years, drought conditions, beating sun and consistent winds have continued to create constraints for farmers and ranchers in this area.
However, today the Panhandle is home to some of the nation’s richest energy resources. Wind and solar energy are now creating additional income for landowners, building bright futures for Panhandle communities and paving the way for America’s energy independence.
Building on Oklahoma's Energy Legacy
A diverse energy blend is critical to providing economic stability and affordable, reliable energy for our country.
States Edge Energy Center will provide enough sustainable energy to power up to one million homes, bringing us one step closer to American energy independence.

Generation capacity totaling 2+ gigawatts.

Enough electricity to power up to 850,000 American homes.

More than $4B of capital investment in Northwest Oklahoma.